Stock take items

Approximate reading time: 2 minutes

Video details

Video title: Stock take items

Video URL: Stock take items (external website)

Video duration: 02:46

Video transcript

[Background music playing]

(Male presenter)

Hello, in this session we will cover how to obtain a list for a stock take, and how to amend equipment records based on the results.

To obtain a list for stock taking, go to the “View Equipment” screen.

Click the “Search” icon.

Tick the “Status” box and select “In Stock” from the menu.

Then click outside the menu box.

Using the other headings listed, select your options.

In today’s example, we will tick the “Model Number” box and enter “wf19” in the text field under the “Contains” menu and press the “Enter” key once.

If you have the same items across multiple locations you may wish to tick the “Warehouse Location” box, today we will enter “Main” in the text field under the “Contains” menu.

Press the “Enter” key twice.

Click the “More Options” icon, then “Export”, then “CSV”.

This will generate a CSV file to use to record your stock take.

If you have found items which are not in your “In Stock” list or are missing items, search for them via the view equipment screen.

If the found item has a status of “On Loan”, complete the return and move tasks to record them in your store.

If the found item has a status of “Retired”, hover to the left of the record, click the blue dots, and “Edit”.

Change the status to “In Stock”, untick the “Retired” box, and remove the retirement reason.

Click “Update”.

If the found item has a status of “Transferred to LTL”, please return it to your closest Enable New Zealand warehouse as this is now a Ministry of Health item.

If you have identified items as missing from your “In Stock” list, hover to the left of the record, click the blue dots and click “Edit”.

Change the status to “Retired” and tick the “Retired” box.

Change the “Retired Date” to that of the stock take and select the “Retirement Reason”.

Enter a note and click “Update”.

If these items are later found, you can edit this record and record it as “In Stock”.

These actions will update the inventory counts.  

[Background music playing]