Information for ACC clients

What happens in my ACC home modification?

If ACC has referred you to Enable New Zealand for home modifications, find out what you can expect.

This information is for ACC clients, and/or your representative, family or whānau. We want you to have a good experience of our service. And we’re here to help you through the process.

Here are some ways to find out how we’ll be working with you on your home modifications.

Read our brochures

The builder or designer will give you a brochure when they visit your home. You can also read our brochures online here.

ACC grab rail service: Enable New Zealand brochure (PDF, 341 KB, 2 pages)

Housing modification service for ACC: Enable New Zealand brochure (PDF, 156 KB)

Watch our videos

We have three videos about ACC home modifications. They explain the different types of modifications (minor, standard and complex) and how we manage them.

Videos: How Enable New Zealand manages ACC home modifications

Contact our ACC housing helpdesk

You can phone our ACC housing helpdesk anytime during business hours. One of our customer service facilitators will be pleased to help you. You can also email us or use our online form.

Look up Enable New Zealand contact details

Injury-related home modifications

Read what ACC says about injury-related home modifications. This information can help you understand what ACC expects of Enable New Zealand.

Injury-related home modifications: How ACC can help (PDF, 299 KB, 2 pages)

What did you think of our service?

If you’ve received our housing modification services recently, we’re keen to hear from you. We want to make sure we met your expectations.

Please take a few minutes to answer a few questions about the service you received.

Just click on the link below to start our quick survey. Thank you for your time.

Enable client satisfaction survey (ACC housing modifications) (external website)